This 2011 documentary follows four British celebrities as they immerse themselves in Kibera, Nairobi's largest slum. The kids at Galilee Primary and Waddington High School live in Nairobi's Kayole-Soweto slum under conditions very similar to those documented in the video. As the kids at Galilee and WHS are well aware, securing a quality education is likely their only ticket out of the slums. Please contact us or visit our website for more information on how you can help a child in Nairobi's slums escape abject poverty through the gift of education.
Wow! Very distressing. I could not have done what these rich and famous did. It really makes you realize what life for these kids REALLY is. I could never have imagined it to be this bad...
Our sponsorship program is administered by His Hands for Kenya (HHFK). HHFK is a division of His Hands Support Ministries, a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. HHFK is run entirely by volunteers, and 100% of sponsorship fees go to support the children with no deduction for administrative costs.
Wow! Very distressing. I could not have done what these rich and famous did. It really makes you realize what life for these kids REALLY is. I could never have imagined it to be this bad...